What are the benefits of user generated content in corporate training?

Even the Luddites among us will know the principles of User Generated Content (UGC). If you’re an Instagrammer, YouTuber or TikToker, then UGC is at the heart of those platforms. But is there a place for UGC in something as formal or structured as corporate training? And how can you leverage such content? In the first of two blogs, we look at the benefits of incorporating user-generated content into your training.

What is user-generated content in a training context?

In this case, the content is created by the learners rather than by the trainers and could be articles, videos, podcasts or quizzes. It’s not intended to replace the formal content, but augments that content and gets participants actively engaged. However, it shouldn’t be contingent for learning nor should it be compulsory or forced in any way.


What are the benefits of user-generated content?

Content created by learners can have a positive impact on training effectiveness and workplace culture as well as encourage others in the workplace to take the training and get involved. For example:


1. Increase learner engagement

Having been responsible for even a small part of the content, learners will feel involved, engage more with training and be positively disposed toward future training courses. Even those who haven’t actively participated in generating content will be more engaged when they interact with content created by their peers who are speaking their language. It’s also a great way to market your training to an internal audience, using content created by employees for employees.

2. Learning as a social activity

User-generated content promotes social learning and learning in an informal environment – think of employees sharing tips in an online discussion, or a video explaining how they handle a sales call or presentation and how the training applies to their job as an example of UGC and social learning.

3. Improving knowledge retention

As employees will work on creating content, they’ll need to deep dive into what they already know and maybe even research the subject to add new information. In this way, they’ll not only refresh their memory but also expand their knowledge. They’ll learn more as they dig deeper into a topic as part of teaching it to others.

4. Create a culture of learning

When employees are actively involved in training you’ll find there’s a new vibe in the workplace, with the switch from passive to active learning. They’ll practice other skills like teamwork, presentation and written communication, transferable skills that are valuable to every business.

5. Collaboration

User-generated content is often the result of collaborating with fellow learners or peers. Learning together is more fun, so you should create multiple opportunities for employees to work together on user-created content.



Check out the second blog in this series which covers the potential challenges to consider and how to apply your user-generated content to your corporate training.

And don’t forget, we have over 20 years' experience in writing, designing and developing online learning and, with our mix of consultancy and design services, we can help you come up with ideas for generating and using learner-generated content.

Get in touch with us today on 01737 244328 or submit the contact form and we'll contact you.