What’s the difference between an LMS and an LXP?

In this article, we look at the differences between an LMS and LXP and why one might suit your business training needs more than the other.

When considering a new e-learning platform, one of the key decisions is whether to choose an LMS or an LXP. In this article, we look at the differences and why one might suit your business training needs more than the other.

LMS and LXP are two types of e-learning platforms: An LMS (Learning Management System) is a traditional e-learning platform used to manage and deliver online courses, track progress, and generate reports. An LXP (Learning Experience Platform) is a newer type of platform designed to provide a personalised learning experience, adapting to the learner's needs and preferences.


LMS formal e-learning

An LMS is designed to manage and deliver e-learning courses and other training materials to learners. It typically includes features such as course creation tools, content management systems, student tracking and progress reports, and a variety of communication tools. LMS platforms are typically used in corporate training environments, academic institutions, and government agencies.


One of the primary features of an LMS is its ability to track learner progress and generate reports; this allows trainers to monitor student engagement and performance, identify areas where learners may be struggling, and provide targeted support. LMS platforms also typically include features that support course creation, including tools for creating quizzes, exams, and other interactive learning activities.


LXP personalised learning

An LXP is designed to provide a personalised learning experience that adapts to the learner's needs and preferences. LXPs focus on providing a curated selection of learning resources tailored to the individual learner, based on their interests, preferences, and previous learning experiences.

Unlike an LMS, an LXP is less concerned with delivering and tracking assigned courses but more about  providing learners with access to a wide range of learning resources, such as articles, videos, podcasts, and other content based around themes and interests. This content is often produced  by subject matter experts, which the platform then curates and recommends based on learning profiles, preferences and viewing history.

One of the primary benefits of an LXP is its ability to provide a more personalised learning experience. Learners choose the content they want to consume, at their own pace, and in the format that best suits their learning style. This can help learners build knowledge and skills more flexibly and organically, and to take proactive ownership of their learning journey. LXPs often use machine-learning algorithms and other technologies to track learner behaviour and to suggest new content that may be of interest.


While LMS and LXP are both e-learning platforms at heart, they're designed to serve different purposes. Ultimately, the choice of platform will depend on the specific learning goals and requirements of both the organisation and its learners.


If you'd like some help determining the best platform for your company's specific needs, get in touch with us today on 01737 244328 or submit the contact form and we'll contact you.